Site Info
We are the home of 615 authors from among our 3782 members. There have been 99290 reviews written about our 3183 stories consisting of 34519 chapters and 63897332 words. A special welcome to our newest member, ucymorok.

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Story of the Moment
The Girl who needed help by Nick_girl2010 R
Martha was a girl who fell in love with Nick and she thinks her life is better...

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Site News
Update Issue
There's a pretty big issue affecting the site since upgrade. New story chapters (including the first one of a new story) are not working. I have turned off submissions while I work on this issue.
--Chaos on 08/29/21 02:47 pm 1 Comments
Upgrade Update
As I suspected, the upgrade occurred sooner than originally expected and I didn't have time to alert anyone that the deadline was HERE to back things up. I do have a complete backup from prior to the move, but it does appear that stories did make the move successfully. Whew.

I didn't have time to go through and thoroughly test everything prior to the upgrade go-live, so if you notice anything quirky that needs to be checked out, please let me know in the comments. Initial testing, though, has looked good!

KNOWN ISSUE FOUND: New chapters/stories are not posting but getting a DB error. I'm working on this as soon as possible, but alas it will likely take some time unless it happens to be an easy issue.

One of the first things that happened while I was working to prepare the site for an upgrade is a "cleaning" of some of the database files to remove "obvious" spam. Unfortunately a few legit things could have been caught up in that (i.e. anonymous reviews from back in the day if they contained links...). If you happened to be a member that signed up in Feb-May of 2018 and your bio referred to Coffee, Supplements, or Weight and you'd posted no stories...yeah, your membership was removed. I don't think that would catch any "legit" members, but...if it did, sorry, you were a casualty of about 25000 spam membership removals. Sign back up if you want, though any account used solely to spam or advertise a product will be removed...again.
--Chaos on 08/27/21 12:58 pm 0 Comments
If you're seeing this...
You're on the upgraded server. Congratulations! Of course this also means that they made the change before they were supposed to and I may not have had time to get everything working, soooo be warned that there may be some glitches, and it's possible that I'll have to restore from backups, so anything new (updates, new stories, etc) might be rolled back. So be sure to back things up!
--Chaos on 08/26/21 07:01 pm 2 Comments